Sedation Dentistry – Baltimore, MA

Making Your Periodontal Experience a Relaxing One

Millions of Americans across the country have dental anxiety in one form or another. We don’t want your fears to stop you from having important periodontal work done, which is why Dr. Van-Dinh is proud to offer nitrous oxide and oral conscious sedation. We’ll put your anxieties to rest so that you can have periodontal therapy, dental implant surgery, and other important treatments done while staying calm and comfortable. Call today to learn more about your sedation options at our Baltimore office.


Why Choose Harbor Periodontics for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Oral Conscious Sedation Available
  • Friendly, Approachable Periodontal Team
  • Dental Insurance Accepted


Oral Conscious Sedation

If you have particularly strong dental anxieties, you might benefit from oral conscious sedation. This type of sedation involves taking a small pill that puts you in a deep state of relaxation. You won’t be bothered by anything going on around you, and you might not even remember what actually happened during your treatment. When you’re planning an appointment that involves oral conscious sedation, make sure that you have a reliable friend or family member who can drive you to and from our office.


Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide is very common in a dental setting. All you need to do is breathe in the sedative mixed with oxygen through a small nasal mask. This is more than enough to keep patients with mild dental anxieties in a calm state while we work on their teeth and gums. One major advantage of nitrous oxide sedation is that it doesn’t force you to change your schedule; the effects wear off within minutes, so depending on the type of periodontal work you had done, you may be able to return to your normal routine without delay.